Alcohol & Drug
Risk Reduction Course
DUI Safety School
Franklin Recovery Center
provides a judgment-free environment to learn how alcohol and drug-related problems develop, what you can do to prevent them, and why sometimes help is needed.
It’s for the curious, the concerned, and those making high-risk choices. Approximately 3 out of every 10 people in the US make alcohol and/or drug choices that are high risk. FRC is here to help you identify where you are, to educate you, and to provide options if you need them.
​FRC's Alcohol & Drug Risk Reduction Course
is right for anyone:
facing a DUI or similar traffic infraction
involved in a legal situation where the use of drugs and or alcohol has become an issue
responding to consequences at home, at work, and in the community because of drug/alcohol
who is otherwise facing consequences where a comprehensive education would be helpful
DUI 2nd
Services offered for second offense DUI's. Please contact for more information
175 US dollarsEnded
175 US dollarsStarts Feb 2
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Starts Feb 22
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Starts Mar 2
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Starts Mar 22
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Starts Apr 6
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Starts May 4
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Starts May 24
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Starts Jun 1
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Starts Jun 21
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